Pelatihan Pengelolaan Rekam Medis bagi Tenaga Kesehatan di Klinik Pedesaan untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Layanan
efficiency, service, clinic, rural, trainingAbstract
Effective management of medical records in rural clinics is a challenge due to limited resources and lack of training for health workers. This study aims to evaluate the impact of medical record management training on the efficiency of health services in rural clinics. The method used is workshop-based training with a theoretical and practical approach for health workers in several rural clinics. Evaluation is carried out through observation and interviews before and after training to assess changes in medical record management. The results showed that after the training, there was a significant improvement in the accuracy of patient data recording, the accessibility of medical information, and the reduction of service waiting time. The implications of this study confirm that medical record management training plays an important role in improving the efficiency of health services in rural clinics, so that it can be a recommended strategy for health service providers in remote areas.
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