Implementasi Manajemen Pelayanan Gizi Menggunakan Rekam Medis Elektronik dengan QR Code
nutrition care, management, Electronic Medical Record, QR code, waterfall, innovationAbstract
The Nutrition Care Center (NCC) at Politeknik Negeri Jember (Polije) functions as a Teaching Factory (TEFA), providing comprehensive nutritional assessment, diagnostic services, nutritional counseling, and tailored dietary plans for clients. Health services, including nutrition, necessitate accurate medical records encompassing patient identification, examinations, treatments, interventions, and other pertinent information. However, NCC's manual paper-based medical records system faces challenges. It employs age-based instead of date of birth-based record numbering, lacks standardized nutrition assessment, and lacks disease code classification. This manual system is susceptible to damage, loss, and demands considerable time and storage space. This research centers on the implementation of nutrition care management by leveraging Electronic Medical Record (EMR) integrated with QR code technology. The integration of these cutting-edge technologies aims to streamline and enhance the efficiency of nutrition care processes in healthcare settings. The study delves into the impact of this innovative approach on the accuracy, speed, and overall effectiveness of nutrition care delivery.
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